List of Interesting Words in English
English language has a huge data of interesting words. Find out some really amusing words in English as the articles unfolds to increase your vocabulary. As the cliché goes, 'English is a funny language' because of its inscrutable structure. The very funny English language has eccentricities that seem incomprehensible at times. Solving a puzzle from the New York Times sometimes makes you wonder about 'abstruse glut of antediluvian perorations, if the newspaper's profligacy of neologisms and shibboleths ever set off apoplectic paroxysms in you, if it all seems a bit recondite, here's a reason to be sanguine'; the English language has an insurmountable data of interesting words for its readers. Here's a list of interesting words in English that will help to improve your puzzle-solving techniques, vocabulary and to you can have productive things to do at home. Interesting Words List Agrestic : Someone who is rude, uncouth and uncultured. Ubiquitous : W...