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(after Tom McGowen)

There was a kingdom1 and a king who was very fat because he was fond of food. He began his day with a big breakfast at 8 o’clock and had a snack at 10 and a large lunch at 12. Then he watched tennis or horses, then he had a small snack at 2 in the afternoon. At 4 he had sandwiches and at 7 in the evening he happilly sat down to a royal dinner party.
The king had one problem: he wanted to make changes in every dish. That’s why all his cooks left him because they didn’t like changing all their recipes.
“We are going to have a contest and the one who tells me the most unusual recipe can be the royal cook!” the king said one day.
The next day all the people who thought they were good cooks came to the king’s castle. One young man saw that long line of people and learnt about the king’s contest. He learnt about the problem that the cooks had with the king. They didn’t like the king, who told them what to do, put things in their pots and did cooking himself. So, the young man thought a little and got into a line. 
In the afternoon he finally came inside the palace. “What’s your name and recipe?” the king asked. “I’m Klaus Dinkelspies, Your Majesty1. I’ve got a recipe of a dragon soup!” The king said, “That’s interesting. What’s in it?” “Oh, I can’t tell you!” answered Klaus. “It is a secret in my family” “I understand,” said the king, “but if we can get a dragon, you must cook it for me. You are the new royal2 cook now.”
Klaus felt good. When the king wanted any dish, Klaus asked him, “Would Your Majesty tell me exactly3 how you want this dish cooked?” The king was happy not only to give him instructions but to cook happilly in the kitchen. Klaus only kept saying, “Oh, I usually use the same method.” When a dish was ready, he said, “I thank you for all your instructions, sir. Now I can invite you to the dinner party!” 
Time passed. One morning the king shouted, “Surprise!
Now you can cook your special dragon soup. I am not going to come into the kitchen. I remember it’s your secret!” The soldiers brought the cage4 with the real dragon. Klaus looked at it and saw a tear5 on the dragon’s cheek. “Are you going to kill me?” he asked. “Believe me, dragon,” said Klaus. “I don’t want to cook you. I just wanted to fool the king and show I was a cook. I can’t make any soup.” “Oh, it’s easy,” said dragon.
“Can you cook?” asked Klaus. “Well, I’m a good cook,” answered the dragon and Klaus began to smile...
At 7 in the morning the king came to taste Klaus’s wonderful dragon soup. After four helpings6 he said, “That is one of best soups I’ve ever eaten!” “You see, the thing that makes dragon soup so unusual is that it can only be when a dragon cooks it itself! Let me introduce my assistant!” Klaus called and the dragon came in, wearing a tall white cook’s hat and an apron.
So, Klaus was happy to live in the beautiful palace without working hard. The dragon felt good to be an assistant of the royal cook. But the happiest of all was the kitchen helper. He didn’t need to light fire because the dragon lighted his own stove by shooting fire out of his nose!

1Your Majesty — Ваша Величність
2royal — королівський
3exactly — точно
4a cage — клітка
5a tear — сльоза
6helpings - порції

There are cartoons DRAGON SOUP for you to understand the text


  1. Здравствуйте, подскажите пожалуйста в тексте идёт речь о короле, драконе и Клаусе. Половина тестов вопросов по тексту,а вторая половина о Томе и супермаркете. Где нужно брать текст о Томе и супермаркете?

  2. Здравствуйте, подскажите пожалуйста в тексте идёт речь о короле, драконе и Клаусе. Половина тестов вопросов по тексту,а вторая половина о Томе и супермаркете. Где нужно брать текст о Томе и супермаркете?

    1. Добрий день. Половина питань тесту - за текстом, а інша половина - повторення вивченого зтеми (лексика і граматика).

  3. второе видео вообще невозможно прослушать!! звук ужасный....

    1. Все, що було в інтернеті з цієї теми. Відео не обов'язково дивитись, це за бажанням. Текст є перед очима.


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