Hidden Animals (in sentences)
1)That will be a real help.
2)She came late yesterday.
3)He will go to America tomorrow.
4)Eric owes me ten cents.
5)We made errors in our annual report last year.
6)Do good workers succeed?
7)If I shout, he'll hear me.
8)If Roger comes, we'll begin.
9)We will go at two o'clock.
10)Is it the sixth or seventh?
11)In April, I only came once.

12)At last, I, Gerald had won! 

Each of the sentences below contains a hidden number. Try to find them. EXAMPLE: If I've said something to hurt you, I'm sorry, (five)

1- Listen carefully to the dialogue on the tape recording.
2- It would be better to learn the language thoroughly.
3- When the plane took off, I very much wanted to cry.
4- We thought that was the best year of our lives.
5- Now their team is even with ours.
6- "Honesty is the best policy" is a wellknown maxim.
7- The papers I xeroxed didn't turn out very well.
8- The words were spoken in each of the languages native to those present.
9- Paul is going to leave today; Robert went yesterday.
10You replaced the thous and thees of English several centuries ago.
11- I hope that our efforts to rectify the error will comfort you a little.
12Her remarks about the silent way made Caleb ill; I on the other hand, thought the points were well taken.
13- I wish I could have been present at this event you are telling us about.


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