5-Б клас

Завдання на 27.04.2020 - 30.04.2020

Запрошую 5-Б на онлайн урок: Zoom.

Тема: Онлайн урок 5-Б. Тема:  Магазини. Будинки. Кімнати. Zoom Nataly Dolzhenko
Время: 28 апр 2020 10:00 AM Киев

1)Let's start a new topic "Here We Are!"
Ex.1 p.34 sb - match the words to the picture.
Ex.2 p.34 sb - answer the question (aurally).
Ex.3 p.34 sb - write the names of the shops using the picture (p.35).
Ex.4 p.34 sb - read and listen Ex.4p.34sb 
Ex.5 p.35 sb - read and tick. Listen Ex.5p.35sb  
Ex.6 p.35 sb - read and underline the phrases used in Ex.4.


2)Let's revise the names of the rooms and some furniture:
Ex.1 p.18 wb - match the names of the rooms with the picture.
Ex.2 p.18 wb - write the furniture to the rooms in which you can find it.
Ex.3 p.19 wb - ask and answer as in the example.


Today we are having our Reading Test.
Read the text p.148 sb and do the test.

Reading Test

Увага!!! Тест можна пройти лише ОДИН раз, тому не поспішайте!

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